About Us Page

Who are we?

Jailyn Avila completed medical school in Loma Linda, California, residency in Chattanooga, Tennessee and an ultrasound fellowship in Lexington Kentucky. During her 4th year of medical school, Jailyn was first introduced to bedside ultrasound by Dr. Viam Dinh, who was at that time a senior Emergency Medicine resident. Jailyn then matched into the Emergency Medicine residency in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where her ultrasound education was further enhanced by her ultrasound director, Dr. Ben Smith. During residency, Ben and Jailyn started working on and subsequently launched the website 5minsono.com, a website dedicated to ultrasound education. After residency, Jailyn moved to Lexington, Kentucky where she completed an ultrasound fellowship under Dr. Matthew Dawson. During that time, Jailyn began to lecture nationally and internationally, and in 2019 she earned the 2019 ACEP Rookie Speaker of the Year Award after her debut at the ACEP scientific assembly. In 2019, Jailyn and Ben launched www.CoreUltrasound.com, a website that combined Ben’s website (UltrasoundoftheWeek.com), Jailyn’s 5minsono website and the Ultrasound Podcast into one comprehensive point of care ultrasound website. Jailyn is currently is Core Faculty for the UHS SoCal MEC Emergency Medicine Residency in Temecula, California where she also functions as the Associate Ultrasound Director and the Director of Faculty Development. She formerly was the Vice President for Clinical Education at Butterfly Network Inc.  Apart from her work on Core Ultrasound, she is a member of the Ultrasound GEL podcast (a podcast that discusses relevant ultrasound literature) and the director of the Ultrasound Leadership Academy and has and continues to collaborate with EMRAP.  Dr. Avila loves all things ultrasound, but her main interests include ultrasound-guided IV placement and pulmonary ultrasound.  In her free time, Dr. Avila enjoys spending time with family, surfing, mountain biking and all things Disney.




Ben pic

Ben Smith is the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Director of the University of Tennessee, Department of Emergency Medicine, Chattanooga, TN.
He received the UTEM outstanding teacher award in 2008 and 2011. He’s created a website called ultrasoundoftheweek.com where I post weekly interesting ultrasound cases and teaching pearls, which was recently migrated to this site (coreultrasound.com). He has also created several tools to aid ultrasound directors: a script that de-identifies ultrasound clips and an online M.mode.ify tool that can be used to create an M-Mode image from any clip. He has completed the ACEP Teaching Fellowship and his interests include landscape photography, digital image manipulation and computer coding.




How to use this site:

  • 5 Min Sono Vids: Videos are meant to give you a basic how-to-do for a specific US exam.  It’s basic. I won’t be going into subtle findings that you probably won’t use.  I also won’t be going through the history of an exam or the research/accuracy behind it.  It’s just to get you familiar with the exam.
  • Ultrasound of the Week: These are weekly cases that start out with a question, then give you an evidence based answer.
  • Ultrasound Podcast: This tab will show you links to the USP archive videos from before 2020 as well as link to the current audio-only podcast
  • Lectures: Longer form lectures, usually from in-person didactics one of us have given.
  • Tools: These are free-to-use tools and tutorials that Ben Smith created from his mind.
  • Blog: Longer-form write-ups on ultrasound topics.  Think of these like peer-reviewed journal articles (but their free and open access!)

While we make every effort to produce accurate information, we are still learning. This website represents how we have interpreted the ultrasound literature we have seen or read. We welcome any comments, suggestions or correction of errors.  By reading and/or watching the content of this website, you agree not to use this information as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer applies to any and all content on this website. Under no circumstances shall any of the contributors on this website be responsible for damages arising from use of this website.
This website should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the website.
The content of this website is formed by our own opinions and do not represent the views or opinions of the UT Chattanooga Emergency Medicine Residency, the Erlanger Baroness hospital, University of Kentucky, UHS or any other institution the video or content organizers are affiliated or associated with.

Contact us: [email protected]

Terms of Use: 

Please feel free to link to any and all of these videos for medical education on our site. We ask that you do not host the videos on any other website or platform without explicit and written permission to do so. We work hard to produce this content and website traffic is important to us! Thanks!