Pro Courses and CME
Take your ultrasound education to the next level
I've performed the TAP (Transversus Abdominus Plane) block a few times, but as an EM doc, I sometimes have a hard time finding a good application for it.
In this week's podcast, Dr. Kat Vlasica joins us again to enlighten us on some novel applications of the TAP block as well as introduce us to some variations on the TAP block: The subcostal TAP and the rectus sheath block. Check it out! (Link in profile.)
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IVC ultrasound w/ Rory Spiegel.
Take homes: Use IVC in all Critically Ill pts. Vol responsiveness may not be best Q to ask.
Check out the discussion! (Link in profile.)
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We usually focus on just a 2d assessment of the heart. Adding Doppler and looking for other cardiac abnormalities such as regurgitation and stenosis are not all that difficult. Check out the podcast on the website for more info!
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Done and done!
Thanks for the vaccine, @ukhealthcare!
Behind the scenes from my recent video podcast with Anand Swaminathan. Go to the Core Ultrasound website to check out our discussion on medical education with regards to ultrasound!
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So stoked to put on Castlefest Mini 2020 with @tsquaredmd and!
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THIS GUY did a great job of explaining using ultrasound to identify septic shock patients that may benefit from esmol. Check out his thoughts on the website!
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Ocular ultrasound is one of my favorite ultrasound exams! Ocular ultrasound isn’t all about retinal and vitreous detachments. In the latest 5 Minute Sono, learn how to diagnose central retinal artery occlusion using #POCUS.
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The hardest and least risky ultrasound procedure: The ultrasound-guided IV. Learn it well (100’s of attempts) and Every other ultrasound procedure becomes easier! Here’s my set up. What’s yours?
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This week on the podcast I get to share with you an interview I did on bedside scanning tips with one of my favorite people, Claire Heslop (@shinesonit). She’s an amazing educator and always up for anything! Head over to the website to watch the full interview!
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